Monday, June 17, 2013

June 14, Day 6: Strasbourg Cathedral

La Cathédrale Notre Dame de Strasbourg was completed in the 15th century.  It was built of a local pinkish stone known as grès rose des Vosges, which gives it a look almost of wood. It is elaborately sculpted and in parts one can see right through it: It is very difficult to photograph it because it is so huge (It was for a while during the 17th to 19th centuries the tallest building in the world; it is still the 6th tallest church.) and is surrounded by buildings so you can't back off far enough to see it all. There is a gigantic astronomical clock and an organ attached to the side of the nave, both quite extraordinary.
The cathedral has only one tall tower, giving it a somewhat lopsided appearance from the outside.

Part of the Cathedral
Kammerzell House ( built 1427) on the Cathedral Square
Cathedral - main doors
Views of the Astronomical Clock:

Clock and the Pillar of Angels

The Pillar of Angels

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